♟️Tier List
Checkmate is committed to providing a diverse range of affordable and flexible tier options to suit the varying needs of our users. Understanding that each user has unique requirements and preferences, we have meticulously designed our tier system to offer something for everyone. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of our available tier levels and respective tokens to hold:
Basic (0.01%) 1,000 $CMBOT:
Up to 3 Profile Creation
Auto Buy/Sell Function
Premium (0.1%) 10,000 $CMBOT:
Revenue Share
Exclusive Filters
Unlimited Profile Creation
Auto Buy/Sell Function
God-mode (0.3%) 30,000 $CMBOT ♘:
Revenue Share
Exclusive Filters
Customizable Filters
Customizable Gas
Customizable Limit Sell Orders
Unlimited Profile Creation
Auto Buy/Sell Function
Last updated